My mother, who has lived abroad for most of her life, called me in shock today about this article, describing how a growing number of doctors and OBGYNs are refusing to prescribe or fill prescriptions for any form of hormonal birth control, including the Pill, no matter why they were prescribed.
Anti-abortion believers have apparently decided on the basis of two articles printed in the Christian conservative Paternoster Press in the UK and a similar publisher in the US that abortion routinely happens when women use birth control, because although the Pill really works by supressing ovulation and fertilization entirely. Mainstream medicine finds that ovulation occurs maybe 2-3% of the time, and in that case fertilization is extremely rare, but anti-abortion activists claim that that number is far higher - apparently with only these two pieces of literature to back them up:
Crockett SA, Harrison D, DeCook J, Hersh C. Hormone contraceptives: controversies and clarifications. In Kilner JF, Cunningham PC, Hager WD eds. The reproductive revolution: a Christian appraisal of reproductive technologies, sexuality and the family. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI and Paternoster, United Kingdom, 2000.Larimore WL, Alcorn R. Using the birth control pill is ethically unacceptable. In Kilner JF, Cunningham PC, Hager WD eds. The reproductive revolution: a Christian appraisal of reproductive technologies, sexuality and the family. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI and Paternoster, United Kingdom, 2000.
These people believe that if an egg is ovulated, and then fertilized, against all the odds, it will then not be able to implant into the uterine lining (the actual beginning of a pregnancy). This for them counts as an "abortion". However, you can't even detect pregnancy until an egg implants into the wall of the uterus, so these people are saying that abortion is happening before a woman is even detectably pregnant. The problem is, there's no evidence anywhere that the Pill prevents an egg from implanting into the lining of the uterus. Modern medicine says that the reason you don't get pregnant when you're on the Pill is because the egg never gets to the stage of implantation in the first place.
What I find so disgusting about all this is that the Pill is such a central part of women's health. With women my age it's routinely supplied for debilitating menstrual cramps and excessive bleeding, irregular periods, and acne which it clears up a treat. With older women it's prescribed for shrinking fibroids and controlling endometriosis. In addition, since the Pill reduces your likelihood of getting ovarian cancer by 80%, it's used as a lifesaving medication by women who have a strong family history and genetic disposition to the disease.
I have two problems with the stance of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, that bills itself as the educated, medically erudite arm of the pro-life movement. First of all, they don't address the fact that there is absolutely no evidence to back their claims up besides a theoretical fear of loss of a single fertilized cell that hasn't even caused its progenitor to become pregnant yet. Although they bill themselves as doctors, they seem to forget that even doctors need to provide proof of these claims - you can't just sit back and say "I'm a doctor, I know." The lack of scientific data and hard evidence that what they claim is happening is actually happening is worrying. What if they suddenly decide that a life-saving heart medication is "against their beliefs" because it has a 0.005% chance of causing a heart attack? But of course, they'll never do that, in the same way that every single one of them will happily provide Viagra even if it's for an "immoral" affair. Because it's ok to hold women to your own moral, clearly stated Christian standard, but not worry about what men are using their drugs for.
The other problem I have with their stance (apart from the whole pro-life thing in the first place) is that if they so strongly believe that life begins at conception, and are willing to deny contraception to millions of women in this country, then why is there not one word about the thousands of fertilized eggs discarded every year in IVF treatments? According to their stance every single cell they discard is a murder or an abortion, and yet on their position page they list:
--post-abortion health effects
--post-abortion breast cancer risk
--perinatal hospice
--human cloning
--RU 486
--the oral contraceptive "controversy"
--partial birth abortion
--mandatory abortion training for doctors
Doesn't look like they care much about human life, except when it might allow women to have sex without getting pregnant.
Pro-choice activists focus on the big issues, like partial birth abortion and making sure Roe v. Wade isn't going to get overturned. But this is a far more insidious way to prevent women from making their own choices about their bodies, including about other medical decisions that might be the difference between their own life and death from something like ovarian cancer or excessive menstrual bleeding. Since when were women only as important as the cells that they might, all medical evidence to the contrary, possibly produce?
One thing that I know John Kerry will do is protect a woman's right to choose. One of the many things I hope he does first thing is put a mandatory requirement to cover oral contraception into government funded HMO's and health-care packages. George W. Bush got rid of this requirement for federal health plans in his first budget to Congress. This is a central plank of woman's health care - and not just reproductive, but all health care - and needs to be as available as widely as Viagra. There's not an HMO or doctor or pharmacist who would refuse a man Viagra - we need to demand that the far more essential right to oral contraceptives is constantly maintained.
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